Summer on Lovers’ Island FREE – Stuff your Kindle!
It’s STUFF YOUR KINDLE day! Head on over to and get ready to load your kindle (or app) with all kinds of romance books! Summer on Lovers’ Island is included but get it now because the 5th is the last day it’s free! It’s a perfect end-of-summer read – a summer fling turns serious, in a gorgeous seaside town with a colorful cast of characters. It’s part of my Jewell Cove series, but never fear, you can read it on its own.
Happy reading!
Step into the Story Monthly Roundup!
Hey everyone! If you didn’t manage to watch our videos this month, here’s a recap!
Barb was joined by Emily York (@thebookdistiller) and Sydney Young (#HFChitChat) and they discussed my new release, WHEN THE WORLD FELL SILENT. I was of course absent for the show and watched it after – and loved what they had to say about the story. Watch the replay on YouTube!
Then Barb and I spent a gorgeous half hour talking with Denny S. Bryce about her latest book, THE TRIAL OF MRS. RHINELANDER. There are so many layers to this book, all radiating out from a central story about Alice and Lenny Rhinelander, their marriage and subsequent divorce. You can catch it now on our YouTube channel, and go ahead and subscribe while you’re there! We have two great shows coming in September!
Booksigning: Sunnyside Mall
I’ll be at IndigoSpirit at the Sunnyside Mall this Friday, August 23, at 2:30 p.m. signing copies of WHEN THE WORLD FELL SILENT! This is also my former workplace during my bookseller years and it will be so nice to go back!
Stop by and say hi, grab a book (they’re 30% off at Indigo!) and have a chat. I’d love to see you!
Book Launch Tonight!
I’m so very pleased to be holding my first ever official book launch for WHEN THE WORLD FELL SILENT tonight at the Writer’s Federation of NS, 1113 Marginal Road in Halifax NS. It all starts at 7 p.m. Erin O’Neill from the Dartmouth Book Exchange will be moderating, and Sue Slade from the DBE will be on hand with books to purchase. I’ll be doing a short talk, a reading, and then a Q&A from the audience; there’ll be sips and snacks to enjoy, and of course I’ll be signing your book if you so desire!
If you are in the Halifax area, I would love to see you at this celebration for WHEN THE WORLD FELL SILENT!
What’s New in Historical Fiction?
Do you want to know what’s new in historical fiction? Join me at History Through Fiction’s event this coming Sunday and hear about my book, WHEN THE WORLD FELL SILENT, as well as the intriguing books of three other amazing authors! It all happens at 2 p.m. EST and registration is FREE! All you have to do is register at the following link:
I hope to see you there!
Tomorrow is Pitchfest!
It’s almost here – your opportunity to hear about 18 new titles from the authors themselves and get your fall reading sorted! It’s PITCHFEST, put on by Adventures by the Book, and it’s like speed dating for your next read. If you are looking for titles for your book club, this is the perfect way to create a short list!
It all happens tomorrow at 4 p.m. PST/ 7 p.m. EST and you can attend for FREE. Books are also available to order and have them shipped to you (in the US).
13th Annual Romancing the Writer Workshop
It’s hard to believe, but this year marks our 13th annual Romancing the Writer workshop at Prescott House Museum in Starr’s Point, NS! Michelle Helliwell and I will be talking about all things real and fictional, we’ll do some fun writing exercises, and enjoy the company of other writers in a gorgeous setting. The cost is $25 with proceeds going to the museum. Bring your own lunch, and also enjoy coffee/tea and some coffee break snacks provided by the museum staff (who are AMAZING). If it’s nice weather, we’ll be outside under the trees, and you can also explore the gardens. If it’s rainy, we’ll be tucked in nice and cozy in the verandah.
Contact the museum to register (it’s capped at 20 participants) and we hope to see you for what’s become our favourite day of the summer.
In Conversation with BR Myers
What an evening last night, celebrating the paperback launch of WHEN THE WORLD FELL SILENT with an event at the Halifax Public Library (Central)! My heart is so full. Thank you to my co-host, BR Myers, who is simply the loveliest person and who surprised me with release day flowers (her new book is out August 20, preorder it. I finished it yesterday and it’s amazing.). Thanks to Sue Slade who also had flowers for me (seriously, these two women had me nearly crying but I didn’t want to run my mascara) and took photos. Friends Sylvia and Nancy who came to show their support, and Katie Ingram, author of Breaking Disaster – one of my research books! The Halifax Public Libraries staff who did such a lovely job setting up for the event, Bookmark II for creating a gorgeous sales table for our books, and all the people who came out, asked questions, and stayed to chat. I could not have asked for a better evening to kick off this book and this part of the journey.
Interview with Genevieve Graham!
To celebrate the paperback launch (Canada) of WHEN THE WORLD FELL SILENT, I sat down with the lovely Genevieve Graham for a chat about the Halifax Explosion, my journey to writing historical fiction, and what’s next… and I also do a reading! Check it out on her Facebook page!
Paperback Release Day in Canada!
Bookstores have already been receiving their stock and sneak peeks of books on the shelves have been popping up in my feeds, and today is the official paperback release day of WHEN THE WORLD FELL SILENT in Canada!
I’m beyond pleased at the Canadian response to this book! Check out your local Chapters/Indigo, your favourite indie bookshop, or Amazon. Fantastic news… it’s also been picked up by Costco Canada! You can find links by visiting the HarperCollins Canada site here.
If you happen to see a copy on your shopping travels, snap a pic and send it to me with the location through my socials – either tag me or send it in a DM. I’ll feature your snap in my stories!
Thanks for celebrating with me, and happy reading!